One question potential franchisees sometimes ask is: ”Why should I buy a franchise? Why can’t I just go out and start my own business?”
Certainly, some people do enter the business world in that manner. So, what is the real value of purchasing a franchise rather than ”going it alone?”
On your own, you might well experience a large ‘’learning curve.” What are the right types of publications to advertise in? What type of insurance should I carry? Are there collateral materials that would best market my business?
Without the professional training, business experience, or connections it takes to succeed, it is difficult to get off the ground. Many small business owners begin by hiring outside individuals with experience just for advice. Let’s face it. Opening your own business independently takes time and money.
That isn’t to say that franchising doesn’t require time and money, also. However, as a franchisee, you enjoy a number of advantages that a stand alone, independent start-up does not. You begin with the accumulated experience, know-how, business practices and operating plan that come with a franchise.
As a franchisee, you enjoy name-brand recognition and a network of support provides an immediate and distinct competitive edge over the independent, stand alone business. You can avoid that costly trial-and-error period that causes so many problems for start-up businesses. As a franchisee, you’ll “hit the ground running.”
The Clean Start Systems opportunity gives you the ready made framework within which to build a successful business.
To learn more, complete our pre-qualification application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need business experience to run a Clean Start Systems franchise?
A: Prior business experience may be helpful for those interested in the Clean Start Systems franchise opportunity. However, we will train individuals who are self-starters and possess the ability to learn skills necessary to manage the business. Clean Start Systems franchisees should recognize that it will take more than a 40-hour work week initially to build the business. We will also offer franchisees the opportunity to sell jobs themselves and/or purchase initial clients from us through our national advertising campaign. Some Clean Start Systems franchisees may find that the work provided by us is enough to make a great living.
Q: Where should I locate my business?
A: Our understanding of the market has enabled us to compile location criteria that best embodies the types of facilities we serve — primarily offices, banks, management companies, car dealerships, medical offices. We can assist you in selecting the best demographic location for your new venture!
Q: How does a Clean Start Systems franchise differ from other business opportunities?
A: Unlike other franchise opportunities the Clean Start Systems opportunity is not dependent on office space. Owning a vehicle conducive to carrying equipment and cleaning supplies is all that is needed. Franchisees interested in a larger scale can choose to hire staff although some owners/operators may want to maintain the business at a smaller scale and not require additional employees.
Q: What do I do next?
A: Please take a few minutes to our pre-qualification application. We will review it and, if you meet our criteria, call you to schedule a meeting.